Aimara Burckhardt

design studio

I am a senior designer specialised in UX/UI product design and digital branding.

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I have a Bachelor of Arts in Graphics and Media Design. With over 10 years of experience in international design agencies, studios, and working with individual clients, I have honed my skills across a diverse range of industries and languages. Currently, I collaborate with clients from various sectors, including FinTech, Banking, Real Estate, Publishing, Sustainability, Fashion, Healthcare, and Luxury & Beauty.

I manage the entire process from feasibility to final design for various projects, always prioritizing customer experiences and branding applications. Energetic, autonomous, and possessing strong interpersonal skills, I have developed complementary expertise in Design Thinking methodology, brand platforms, visual identity, leadership, art direction, digital strategy, UX-UI design, and more to deliver comprehensive solutions to my clients.

For each project, deeply understanding the needs, behaviors, attitudes, and emotions of users is crucial. I believe teamwork is essential for both professional and personal growth. I'm passionate about the intersection of interactive and graphic design with physical environments. Throughout my journey, I’ve observed that every project—whether branding, website, product, or digital experience—carries an intrinsic relationship of functionality and connectivity. This ongoing challenge and fascination with digital media projects drive me. I believe the visual interface should seamlessly unify with the content, creating a cohesive experience.


My goal is always to craft an experience that is easy and enjoyable to use, we can achieve that through thoughtful interactive experiences and strong visual consistency.

The digital realm, embodied by the web, serves as the ultimate connector, linking us all together. It fosters knowledge sharing, communication, and collaboration, and I am passionate about embracing this open nature to bring people, institutions, and companies closer. Through my work, I aim to craft clean, vibrant, and enjoyable digital experiences that transcend being mere marketing tools or distractions. Instead, I aspire to create purposeful interactions that contribute to people's wisdom and happiness.

While we often draw a distinction between the digital and physical worlds, the reality is that they are intertwined. Every digital product consumes real resources, is stored in a physical space, and requires a portion of our lifetime to be experienced. Recognizing this interconnectivity, I strive to design impactful digital experiences.


Beyond the aesthetics of a product lies a deeper avenue for conveying your brand and values. The way a product behaves and reacts, its tactile essence, wields an impact on par with its visual appeal. Analogous to human interaction, it reveals character—prompting a desire for increased engagement or, conversely, deterring it. Through deliberate design of interactions with computers, apps, websites, installations, and even brands, we forge meaningful connections and, equally crucial, deliver an enjoyable user experience.

My process produces a wide array of deliverables, including design systems, UX/UI interactive prototypes, user research, user flows, wireframes,  creative concepts, branding, brand strategy, websites, apps, user testing, information architecture, sitemaps, end-to-end customer journey maps, corporate presentations, workshops, user interfaces, and the cultivation of a dynamic brand-customer relationship.

Additionally, I believe that motion and dynamic content play a major role in making the experience tangible and closer to people. Motion represents the tactile quality often missed in the transition from print to digital, welcoming users to navigate and creating a deeper, more intimate connection.

Design and Layout

Through meticulous content layout, I skillfully guide viewers to engage with your content in an enjoyable manner. With well-chosen typography, harmonious colors, thoughtfully curated visual elements, and impactful imagery, I enhance your message and imbue it with the perfect tone to deeply connect with your audience. Beyond articulating your thoughts, I strengthen your brand identity, adeptly aligning it with your current values and mindset, or even redefining it altogether.

My goal is to develop a visual language and design system that communicates more profoundly than words alone.  It's about creating a connection through the tone of voice; design ensures this thread remains consistent as users engage with the product. In this philosophy, form follows function, ensuring that design not only serves its purpose but also seamlessly enhances the user experience.

Art Direction

Before providing advice and generating ideas, I carefully listen to your perspective.
Subsequently, I embark on my creative journey by uncovering a visual narrative meticulously tailored to the unique requirements of the project.

Creative Development

I work alongside creative developers and agencies worldwide to build rich interactions and transitions for the digital experience. Collaboration is part of my work concept and I frequently work with a global network of independent collaborators to bring ideas to life.

Tools & Methods

Figma, Adobe XD (AdobeSuite), Miro, Axure, Invision, Lookback, Html, CSS 3, AI (Midjourney, Magnific, Adobe Firefly), Webflow, Jira, Confluence & Microsoft Office.

Design Thinking Methodology:
Interviews (Lean Canvas), Surveys, Affinity diagrams, Content audits, Competitor/ Business analysis, User Flows, Screen Flows, Personas, Sitemaps, Customer Journeys, Task analysis, User Cases, User Stories, Scenarios.

Card Sorting, Desirability testing, A/B Testing.

Clients I have worked with

DUDECHEM GmbH, HIAG, Vuebelle, Swissquote, Swiss Prime Site AG, Implenia, SBBMobility, AXA, Sotheby’s, Roche, Novartis, Bic, Tesa, Siemens, Nestle, KraftFoods, 7up, Nike, General Motors, AXN & Sony Entertainment Television, Energizer, Micro, Tetra Pak, Idorsia, Bobst, Eastpack, Reef International, Bench, Infiniti high-performance luxury vehicles, Auto-Salon, Manor, Athleticum, Migros, Schellenberg Wittmer, Post Finance, Burger King, Bike WorldSport XX, Maerki Baumann Privatbank, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, SBB, KSW, TBWA, EFG, Schweiz Tourismus, PostFinance, BDO, Swisscom, SIAF, finnova, PHZH, CreditSuisse and Alprausch.

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